Helping clients through important life transitions is what financial planning is all about. Whether it is planning for retirement, buying a new home, changing careers, or planning for a child’s education, helping you to achieve your goals is of paramount importance.


Laura’s areas of expertise include:


Wealth Protection

Ensuring the wealth that has taken you years and sweat to build up, is well-protected from unforeseen circumstances;

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No one is exempt from the uncertainties in life and no one can ever be fully prepared for when it might happen. Adversities that can potentially cause huge financial burdens include premature death, long term disability, hospitalization as well as critical illnesses.

Insurance plans can be put in place to mitigate the financial impact of such an adversity. The questions often asked are “How much insurance is enough?” and “What type of policy is suitable for me?”

With proper planning and understanding of her clients’ financial position and liabilities, Laura works with them to ensure that the amount and type of insurance coverage recommended factors in various considerations such as their stage of lives, their income, their family needs and assets.


Wealth Allocation & Accumulation

Identifying and discussing customised investment strategies to grow your wealth so as to reach your financial dreams;

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Almost everyone Laura meets has the desire to grow their money faster than leaving it in the bank. However, many lack the know-how or discipline to do something about it. Some are fearful of the risk of losing money, while some are unsure of the choice of instruments that match their risk profile.

For some of the more investment-savvy individuals, many find it increasingly difficult to monitor their overall financial portfolio as they become busy at different stages of their lives (eg. becoming a parent).

Laura conducts regular reviews with her clients to check-in on how their finances are doing. She takes a macro level in terms of how clients are allocating their monies. Are they putting too much into high risk investments or a particular instrument or are they keeping too much cash?


Wealth Distribution / Legacy Planning

Ensuring that at the end of the day, your wealth gets distributed according to your intended wishes, leaving a legacy rather than estate problems that could have been prevented;

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It is a common misconception for people to think that estate planning is only for the very rich. The reality is that all of us, whether we are aware or not, already have a ‘will’ in place. If we do not plan for it, the government decides for us how our assets will be distributed.

Since we plan so hard for ourselves and our loved ones while we are alive, why do we not do the same for the time we are no longer around, so that we make the lives of our loved ones a little easier during their time of grief?

Being certified as an Estate Planner, Laura helps her clients think through pertinent yet often unaddressed questions, such as “Who would you want as the guardian of your minor children when you are not around?” or  “Will your children be able to manage all the inheritance they receive when they turn 21?” or “What will happen to your business/company when you are no longer around?” Through dialoguing with them, she assists them in drafting a will that takes into considerations their concerns and desires.


Corporate Services

Helping companies protect their company assets as well as retain their most valuable asset – employees as well as key personnel, through staff welfare benefits and plans;

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  • It takes years of hard work and sweat to build up a company. One of the most important assets are its human capital and successful companies understand the importance of retaining key employees.
  • Besides helping to insure company property, Laura helps companies to craft out staff benefit and key personnel programs.

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