Laura Hoi ChFC ®, AEPP

A large majority of the clients Laura meets for the first time have received some form of financial advice before . However, from her experience, most of the advice they have received has come from various sources at different stages of their lives.

Many do not have a financial plan or strategy in place, and do not have a professional who can provide them with a unified and continued approach to fully understand their financial position and goals throughout the years.


For the past 20 years, Laura has been committed to assisting every client in attaining financial security, freedom and independence through providing them with well-thought-out and customized financial strategies.

As a Chartered Financial Consultant (American College) and Qualifying & Life Member of the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table (USA) for 18 years with 2x Court of the Table qualification, she aims to be professional and ethical in all her dealings, always putting her clients’ interest first and seeking to build long term relationships with them.

Laura specialises in advising successful professionals in the banking and medical sector in the area of wealth distribution and assisting them to achieve financial security. She believes in carefully understanding every client’s needs before proposing customised solutions for them and works primarily with personal introductions.

She also assists business owners to design Employee Benefits Solutions for their staff and also in the area of succession planning, ensuring that their businesses will continue to grow in the midst of unforeseen circumstances.

A strong believer in giving back to the industry, Laura volunteers at the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) through sitting on various committees to help raise the standards and professionalism of the industry, not just in Singapore but also regionally. Her passion to help fellow practitioners in the industry is also demonstrated through her frequent invitations to share with aspiring advisers her experience and skill sets.




She completed her Chartered Financial Consultant ® (American College) certification in 2005, within just three years of starting this profession, in line with her commitment to be the best in her field and to be able to offer the best advice she can to her clients.

She went on to pursue her Associate Estate Planner Practitioner ® (AEPP) designation in 2007 and is now an Estate Planner, advising clients on wealth distribution concerns.

MDRT_logoLaura has consistently qualified for the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), The Premier Association of Financial Professionals®, for more than a decade and is a Qualifying Life Member.

MDRT is an international, independent association of 32,000 of the world’s top life insurance and financial services professionals from 81 nations and territories. MDRT members demonstrate exceptional professional knowledge, strict ethical conduct and outstanding client service. MDRT membership is recognized internationally as the standard of sales excellence in the life insurance and financial services business.

Laura is also a member of the Insurance & Financial Associations of Singapore (IFPAS).

– Chartered Financial Consultant
– Associate Estate Planning Practitioner
– Society of Trusts and Estate Planning (STEP) Affiliate Member
– 18x Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)
– 2x Court of the Table (COT)

MDRT Laura Hoi

Laura believes in giving back to the industry. She makes time to regular mentor consultants who are starting off in this profession or want to improve themselves professionally.

Being a huge benefactor as a member of the Million Dollar Round Table year after year, Laura has sat on various MDRT committees where she volunteers her time to give back to the industry.

Laura graduated from National University of Singapore in 2000 with a degree in Business Administration (Marketing). Like many fresh graduates excited to apply what they had learned in school, Laura was determined to try out a career in marketing. However, after two years of doing sales and marketing in a local IT SME, she knew that she had the potential to do much more.

Having always loved challenges, Laura wanted to pursue a career which would not just make a lasting impact on people, but at the same time bring her a sense of fulfilment and achievement. After much consideration, she decided to follow the footsteps of her mother, a veteran in the financial services industry for more than 25 years, to join the profession. She became a financial consultant in 2002.

Laura is married with a daughter and a son. In her free time when she is not playing with her daughter, she enjoys photography, music and playing tennis or squash.

+ Laura's Business Code of Ethics

One of Laura’s guiding principles is that she always puts herself in her clients’ shoes. She recommends plans and strategies only she herself would use if she were them.

Besides that, Laura strongly adheres to the following set of code of ethics in her practice. She endeavours to:

  • ALWAYS PUT THE BEST INTEREST OF CLIENTS FIRST and above her own direct or indirect interests, ensuring that whatever advice given must always be for the clients’ benefit.
  • MAINTAIN THE HIGHEST STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE by keeping abreast with relevant industry and market changes and improving herself professionally through ongoing education so as to provide the best level of advice to her clients.
  • HOLD IN STRICTEST CONFIDENCE and consider as privileged, all business and personal information pertaining to her clients’ affairs.
  • MAKE FULL AND ADEQUATE DISCLOSURE of all facts necessary to enable her clients to make informed decisions.
  • MAINTAIN GOOD PERSONAL CONDUCT that will reflect favorably on the insurance and financial services profession and MDRT.
  • ABIDE BY and conform to all provisions of the laws and regulations in the jurisdiction she practices.